12-07-2023 - 12-07-2023

On 12th July President Rtn. Minal Avachat along with her BOD were installed in Lokmanya Sabhagruha, Kesari Wada. The chief guest was DR Rtn. Manjoo Phadke. IPP Rtn. Madhuri Kulkarni narrated glimpses of last Rotary year and felicitated members who had done exemplary work in her Rotary year. After installing all the BOD members at the hands of DG Rtn. Manjoo Phadke, President Minal Avachat informed the various activities planned in coming Rotary year. Two new members were inducted in our Midtown family. New Foundation Donors were felicitated by giving new pin to them by DG. Some old members who are regular donor of the club were also felicitated. Annet Ravi Raut was given the PHF pin at the hands of DG Manjoo Phadke. After introduction of DG by AG Rtn. Sunita Shirgopi, DG Manjoo informed the Focus areas of District. She also explained few new initiatives started by her in the district. PE Rtn. Sheetal Patwardhan gave Vote of Thanks. The programme was followed by dinner. Distinguished District Directors and Officers from District also graced the celebration.

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 12-07-2023
End Date 12-07-2023
Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 140
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Category Digital medium-FB/Insta/Youtube/