09-08-2017 - 09-08-2017

This years service excellence recognition award was given to Dr Ganesh Rakh and Dr Anuradha Sahastrabuddhe. The chief guest were Dr Anil Avachat. Dr Rakh is a well known in his field for spreading save girl child movement. He carries out all deliveries of girl child free of cost. He was instrumental in spreading this concept in and around Maharashtra sine last 12 years. Dr Anuradha is taking care of children on construction site. She conducts classes for them and give free education. She is now instrumental in Child Help line movement started by the Government. She shared her experience with the Rotary members present. Lastly, Dr Anil Avachat praised the work being done by these two awardees and said that tere are many such persons in this world who have sacrificed their life for the betterment of unprivileged community. Rotary is doing a great job in bringing such persons on the dais and felicitating them.

Project Details

Start Date 09-08-2017
End Date 09-08-2017
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 5
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others