28-04-2018 - 07-05-2018

Primary school building located at village karandi Bk, Tal Bhor was in a very bad shape, we visited the school,various time and get our survey done for the work we may executed in our budget and with the donations received from our club members. we decided to start with doing water proofing of the school building slab which a tremendous leakage and student cannot seat on the benches.we have done this task and then provided Shahabad flooring for school front which get water logged in rainy seasons. it was the most demanded and a must to do project for the school

Project Details

Start Date 28-04-2018
End Date 07-05-2018
Project Cost 230000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy, District Thrust Area, Maternal and child health