09-09-2012 - 09-09-2012

Rotary Club of Poona Midtown arrange One Full Day RYLA for 50 Blind Girls from Pune Blindmen\'s School, Kothrud . The Venue was located on Hilltop plot at Anandvan , Khanapur , 30 km from Pune City. Chief Guest Dr. Ram Sathe & Dist Chairman Rtn Ajay Wagh were present for opening session. Lectures from different subject like Health, Ladies- Problems & Precautions from Gynecologist Dr. Shubada Jathar, Personality Development, Communication Skills , along with Games, Activity, Fun & Musical Entertainment Program were arrange . More than 50 Rotarian , Anns & Annet of our clubs were present

Project Details

Start Date 09-09-2012
End Date 09-09-2012
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -