04-02-2019 - 14-02-2019

The principle objective of providing the WASH facility in the school is to provide a safe and hygienic environment in the school. The school has 1400 students but there was no proper water facility. Children had their meal in a very unhygienic condition and were vulnerable for many disease. So we have installed wash bed for them with proper water facility. There are two separate toilets in the school for boys & girls, which we have repaired & painted. We had a meeting with school management committee which included parents for awareness of general Hygiene. We have also installed Sanitary Napkin Disposal Machine in girls toilet. We have also arranged the Hygiene Awareness Program for students & teachers, under Star 1 category and soon will be going for Star 2 category. Looking at the deman, we have decided to have more such sessions every quarterly. The installation of wash beds ,repairs of toilets with water facility , Sanitry Napkin Disposal machine Along with Hyenine Awareness program would certainly help school to increase & maintain the attendance

Project Details

Start Date 04-02-2019
End Date 14-02-2019
Project Cost 75000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 68
No of direct Beneficiaries 1400
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Wins