27-11-2019 - 27-11-2019

A workshop on Cyber Security was conducted in S M Joshi Hindi School, Pune, with the help of RCP West. This workshop was organised with the initiative by AG Rajkumar Tambe. A warm welcome by the students by singing a welcome song. All the the visiting Rotarians were felicitated by offering beautiful vases painted by the school students. The presentation on Cyber security was given by Rtn. Laxmi Gidwani of RCP West. President Sachin, AG Rajkumar Tambe, Secretary Bodhankar, VP Parag Sura, Youth Director Pashankar, Interact Chairman Chinchore madan and First Lady Ann Vrushali were present.

Project Details

Start Date 27-11-2019
End Date 27-11-2019
Project Cost 2000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 42
No of direct Beneficiaries 125
Partner Clubs RCP West
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others