01-07-2015 - 30-09-2015

PLANNED ACTIVITIES In a few short sentences, objectives for this global grant are To establish a well equipped mobile cinema for the prevention of drug abuse aiming at primary to College students through education and recognition of drug induced effect both physically and psychologically, while transforming their mind of getting in touch with drug. In the whole island of Taiwan, youngsters between 7-18 years who are highly susceptible to drug abuse due to easy assessable to drug and dealers in the campus and community, and overwhelming in all over Taiwan. The youngest drug addict recorded in the police department aged 9 years old, with an average of 12 years old. They become addicted unaware with increasing number of kinds of drugs, which labelled as NPS (New psychoactive substances) as Ketamine, Methamphetamine, MDMA totaled to 348 kinds. Reported by United Nation, NPS targeted at teenagers by criminal organization in Asia. The mobile cinema Project includes: 1. purchase the equipment from NextPlay Ltd. 2. to buy copyright “Addicted to Life” (Hereinafter: A2L) from Life Changing Experience Co. Ltd. (hereinafter: LCE) programs 3. Rotarians and NGO “ Flying-Life Holistic Care Association R.O.C” will work hand in hand to execute a circuital movie show in all schools and community centers in Taiwan until saturation. Who will benefit from this global grant? Provide the estimated number of direct beneficiaries. Students, youngsters, teenagers, small kids and their families. The project will cover the whole island, and every communities. So the estimated number will be roughly 40,000 students for the first year, which will multiplied when become the seed teacher to at least three times the number. 1st year Northern part of Taiwan 2nd year middle part of Taiwan 3rd year Eastern part of Taiwan 4th year Southern part of Taiwan.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2015
End Date 30-09-2015
Project Cost 64000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others