31-03-2016 - 19-04-2016

We conducted a Free Surgery Camp in associationship with Tarachand Hospital at Pune. The project was initiated on 31 March and was continued till 19 April 2016. 10 Surgeries were successfully performed in the Hospital in Dist 3131 Project of MISSION 5000. The Surgeries are totally free for the operated patients. Total expenses are approx.Rs. 54,000.00 Out of it approx Rs.4000.00 are spent by our Trust for Advertising, Hand Bills for information of same and Banners. Balance of Rs. 50,000.00 will paid by Dist 3131 to the Hospital directly. But our man power involvement and awareness of camp in society is considerable.

Project Details

Start Date 31-03-2016
End Date 19-04-2016
Project Cost 54000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 10
Partner Clubs DIST 3131
Non Rotary Partners Tarachand Hospital
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Disease prevention and treatment