01-07-2015 - 19-10-2015

GG 1530772 is already uploaded in projects.But the vocational activity as a part of it is separately uploaded so that it can be described in more details.The cost of Vocational supplied through GG 1530772 is Rs. 207000 / - is not added here to avoid the duplication . The project is uploaded as separate activity so that it can be described in more details as below. REPORT ON VOCATIONAL TRAINING ACYIVITY IN DILASA KARYASHALA : GG 1530772 Rotary Club of Poona Midtown completed the Global Grant Project 1530772 for Dilasa Karyashala of Pune Sevasadan Society. There are total 80 Boys and Girls in age group 18 to 45 years. As already stated these are Special means Mentally Challenged. The training and the specific job is given to those Adults depending on their grasping capacity, their IQ and ability to acquire the job skills. Also the safety of those Adults is also important when they are operating the machines. While training, all above mentioned facts are considered and the training activity is carried out on the machines with details as listed below. 1. Automatic Paper Dish and Bowl Making Machine. The Machine produces Paper Dish and Bowl. To operate the machine 3 separate groups are formed depending on their IQ. One Group of 3 Adults carry out the Paper Loading Activity and operate the machine with the help of supervisor. The other group of 4 Adults collects the produced Dish and Bowl articles, arranges them in a pack. The third group of 2 Adults counts the packs with help of Supervisor and pack them in batch of 50 or 100 nos. depending the size. Thus total 9 Adults are trained for the activity. 2. Paper Shredding Machine : The Paper Shredding Machine produces the Shredded Paper from the Scrap paper. 4 Groups of Adult Boys are formed and are trained depending on their IQ. First group of 3 Adults cleans the scrap papers, removes staple pins and sort the paper depending on colour and type. Second group of 3 Adults insert the paper in shredding machine and operate the machine. The third group of 4 Adults collects the shredded paper in pieces, carry it to the storage area and make the bunch of the shredded paper suitable for delivery / transport. Obviously the total activity is carried with help of supervisor. Thus total 11 Adults are trained for this activity. 3. Gardening Equipments and Tools : Total 6 Adults are trained for Gardening activity. It is expected that the regular production activity will start from 3rd week of March since the samples are distributed to concern buyers / industries. The production will increase slowly since those Adults have to carry other activities also. The selling of those produced articles is expected to start from April 2016 after the market survey is over. We were present during the training activity and observed the training activity. Training those Adults is itself a big job of patience. But the institution is taking the interest and is doing their job very satisfactorily. We, Rotarians are already in touch with Dilasa Karyashala and are helping them whenever they find any difficulty while operating the machine. Apart from above report we would like to inform you the also as, 1. Expanding the activities and Services are helping Special Adults to remain engaged in the work. They are learning to acquire new skills to work on advanced machinery 2. They already get stipend by sales of Products and get the financial support. Now since the production of Paper Dish and Paper Bowl will initiate from April 2016 onwards, the sales of the same will also increase. So they will get more stipend which will help them and their families also. The increase in stipend is expected from August 2016 on wards since they will be having summer holidays of two months. 3. Dilasa Karyashala does new admissions every year. The new admission will be done only if vacancies are generated and this will be known in July 2016 only. 4. The capable students are rehabilitated by allotting work as per their abilities. 5. Efforts for the placement of Special Adults for jobs in suitable industries will be made after their training is completed and they are used to operate the specific job on those new machines. They will get practice on those machines April 2016 onwards since the production is expected to begin that time. Their chances of placement in similar kind of Industries are expected after 6 months of time of Production and when the school authorities will get the confidence of the same. After their placement, automatically a vacancy will be generated in School which can be filled up by new admission. The first batch of Shredded paper is already sold on 21 April 2016.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2015
End Date 19-10-2015
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 90
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others