16-04-2016 - 16-04-2016

This was Rotaractors first project as a club, we decided to do a community service project. The objective was to spend time with the people living in Sahjeevan Aashram ( Old Age Home ). It was brought to our attention that the resident of these ashrams are living a dull life and depressed as they don’t have anybody to talk to other than the people living there. They don’t get to go out and have a good time with friends. So Rotaractors thought they could go there and have a fun time with them. All they need is someone to talk to and share their life experience and here ours. Rotaractors had a great time with them. As this was their first project all were very excited. Rotaractors also promised them to visit back but this time they have decided to put up a entertainment show for them and also arrange some snacks. In all it was a very successful project and they got blessing from them. Rotaractors are now planning to visit the ashram again, but now more prepared and with lot more fun. Expenses : The total expenditure of this project was taken from our club fund.

Project Details

Start Date 16-04-2016
End Date 16-04-2016
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -