27-04-2017 - 27-04-2017

"The information on good touch bad touch is the need of society to avoid many mishaps related to girls & ladies. The presentation prepared by our member Rtn Dr Shubhada Jathar includes process of menstruation cycle, effects of this phase on their body, care to be taken & self protection in case of any mishaps. The schools & colleges for the presentations were selected so that the girls were just unknown about this topic. Gents/Boys were strictly denied to attend the presentation so that the girls are not shy to ask their queries. The expenses were managed through club funds. The news was covered in many newspapers. The students & School-College staff were happy aftre the presentation and asked many questions to the presenter. Rtn Dr Shubhada for the presentations in the schools & colleges.

Project Details

Start Date 27-04-2017
End Date 27-04-2017
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy